How to Install OwnCloud to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

This quick how-to steps you through a simple installation of OwnCloud to a Ubuntu 14.04 server. First, you need some prereqs: sudo apt-get install php5-gd mysql-server To begin, you need to add the repository for ownCloud for ubuntu 14.04. wget -nv -O Release.key apt-key add – < Release.key Next,… Continue reading

How to install ownCloud to Ubuntu 12.04

NOTE: The latest releases of Owncloud ver 8 require PHP version 5 which is not available in the native repositories for Ubuntu 12.04. If you want to run the latest OwnCloud, you should use Ubuntu 14.04 instead. Here is the HOW-TO: Running ver 8 on 12.04 is possible but… Continue reading